Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Dora Icie (Warwick) Ivie Monograph (26 April 1961, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia)

Dora Icie Warwick Ivie Monograph

Written by her daughter Luna Ivie Long as told by Dora Icie Warwick Ivie 26 April 1961 at Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA when Dora a patient for duodenal cancer

Mrs. Dora Icie Warwick Ivie b. Jan. 10, 1890 in White Co. about 5 miles from Cleveland. Name after Nora Robinson who stayed with her mother Mary Hannah Potts Warwick during this birth. Dr. (Uncle) Dick Jarrett delivered, who lived near Mossy Creek Church.

Mother had a baby who died of whooping cough. Also was given a baby of Aunt Jane Warwick (sister-in-law). Aunt Jane died when the baby was about 3 weeks old, so her baby was given to Hannah Warwick. So both babies were about the same age and boys. Both caught the whooping cough and died.

When Aunt Bertie was born, Dora and Mamie went to spend the night with Uncle John Nix. When Bernice was born, Dora, Bertie and the other children went down in the "bottoms" to plant corn. John Wesley Warwick (husband) when to Cleveland--he rode a horse about 5 miles--to get a doctor. When they returned, Baby Bernice was already born. Aunt Calley, sister of John Wesley, was holding the baby.

Dora went first to Chattahoochee School until it burned. Then to Macedonia Church while the school was being built. First teacher was David Autry. He had real long hair. The children would pull his hair and jump out the window. He would jump out after them. He was fired--could not keep order. Next teacher was a woman named Leila Brownlow. Schoolhouse was rebuilt. At first it was one room with a big stove. Grades 1 through 7. Mother went through 7th. Sister Mamie went to school one year in Cornelia High School--rented a room from Mr. Sellers to live in.

The house was on about 75 acres and had 8 rooms. The living room was wallpapered. Had 4 head horses. Went to Gainesville one time, paid $500 for 2 work mules. Kept 1 buggy horse, 4 or 5 cows, a few sheep, raised pigs and hogs, chickens, geese and ducks.

Belonged to Zion Methodist church--went every Sunday. Carried dinner and spread tablecloths on ground to Quarterly meetings. Dora would recite poetry or special talks at Sunday School programs. (Dora went with Lester Irvin--or rather he walked home from church with her--her first boyfriend.) Preachers were always coming to the house. Daddy (John Wesley) was a Stewart in the church. Preachers came mostly for Sunday dinner. Have all day singings on Sunday. Always had Saturday meetings once a month at Church. Mother (Hannah) would go on Saturday as she stayed home with John W. Warwick's mother, Mary Ann, on Sunday. She lived with them for 13 years. John W. Warwick's mother and daddy lived in a log house, a big house and backroom through porch to kitchen. Kept milk and butter in the springhouse. Asbury and Mary Ann were moved in because their house was cold and they were getting old. Mary Ann was about 77 and lived to be 90. Asbury lived there about 5 years, then died of pneumonia.

John Wesley would go to Habersham to the Mills to get cloth. Hannah did weave cloth, bedspread. Knitted all stockings (up above knee), dye white stockings with green walnut hulls. Hannah made a suit for father-in-law Asbury Warwick.

Hannah's Mother and Daddy--Melinda (would sit in the corner and smoke a pipe made of clay) and Posey Potts lived at Mossy Creek. Several of their boys lived in Texas so they sold out and moved to Mart, Texas. Hannah's sister Ellie Potts married Jim Hamp Ivie.

Met W. D. Ivie in 1913. W.D. Ivie had gone to work for Floyd Kenimer. John Kenimer brought W.D. to house meet. Met him one Sunday morning--he was wearing a red tie and straw hat.  Walked to Macedonia Church with him and John K. Married 1 year later--Feb. 1, 1914, first day and first Sunday in Feb. Married by Preacher Patterson in home. Made an altar of honeysuckle. Went to church at Zion after a 10:00 wedding. Back home for dinner. Went to W. D. Ivie's home for supper and night.

Brother Wylie and brother Charlie had supper there too but returned home. The third day Dora and Dallas got a two horse wagon to come to Cornelia to buy a bedroom suit, wood range (stove), rocking chair. Also rode in first car that day--belonged to Ed Barr. Next day to Dora's home to get a bed, can stuff, lard, flour. Her daddy gave her $5 and a cow.

Moved to Cornelia--Hill's Mill Road--and lived there 5 years. Then to Cornelia 1 year--Henry was born. Back to Hill's Mill Road on the hill and lived there 5 years. House burned down. Dora and W.D. went to Florida--Vera Beach. W.D. went ahead and Dora came on the train with Henry (6 years) and Luna (18 months). Came back to Cornelia in March--moved to Galloway St.

Marriage license of Wiley Asbury Warwick and Mary Ann Pitchford (21 Jan 1842, Habersham County, Georgia)

Abstract of license:
Georgia, Habersham County
Wiley A. Warwick and Mary Ann Pitchford
21st Jan 1842
License by Lewis Levy, Ordinary.
Marriage same day by Wm. H. Dorsey, J. P.
Recorded 21st July 1842
Lewis Levy, C C O