John Looney (1754-1848) received a pension for his Revolutionary War service from 1808 until he died in 1848. This is a copy of his 1833 Pension Application filed in Anderson District, South Carolina 5 Mar 1833. He swears under oath that he was born in 1854 in Bedford County, Virginia and was wounded during the Siege of Savannah, Georgia ( 9 October, 1779). Also included is a copy of his 1813 Certification, since a fire had destroyed some previous records.
The State of South Carolina
Anderson District--On this 5th day of March One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Three
John Looney
personally appeared in open court during the Court of Sessions and Common Pleas now sitting for said District and being duly sworn declares an oath as follows in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832 This deponent was born in Bedford County, Virginia in 1754. Was living in that part of South Carolina now known as Spartanburg when he first entered the service which was as a volunteer under Captain Nickol, during the Snow Camps and when he served forty two days. He was afterwards engaged under various militia officers for short term of service but cannot now recollect very distinctly the term or officers. On the 24th of December (he thinks in) 1777 he enlisted under Capt. Benjamin Tutt in his independent company for three years, with whom he continued in active service until his captain was called on for a detachment and furnished Twenty five men of whom this deponent was one and under his Lieutenant Thomas Farrar and marched to Savannah and in the siege there was wounded in the ankle which disabled him for service. Asked for a discharge having been there attached to Col. Laurens[?] Infantry but was informed he had his discharge without having it in writing. Was never after in service. His wound ulcerated. Suffered for forty four years when to save his life his leg was cut off and he now goes on a wooden leg. He has long since made proof of his service
and has received many years of pension of twenty one dollars and forty two cents from the General Government afterwards increased to thirty four dollars. His certificates are in the possession of a friend but will be procured and more particularly inferred[?] If the Department can be satisfied of the service & give him the benefit of the late Act of Congress he will cheerfully relinquish every claim whatever to his pension from the United States or from his own State from which he has also been for some time in receipt of a pension. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
On Open Court John Looney
5 March 1833
[Jared? Lawhon?] CC
Copy Certificate
War Department
I certify that in conformity with the 3rd Section of an Act of Congress of the 25th of April 1808 entitled "An Act Concering Invalid Pensions" John Looney was placed on the Pension List of the United States and Roll of the South Carolina agency at the rate of One Dollar and Seventy Eight and an half cent per month to commence on the First Day of March One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight.
Given at the War Office of the United States This 24th Day of June 1813
John Armstrong
Transcribed 4 May 2014 Teresa McVeigh
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