Monday, April 23, 2018

Robert Looney (1749-1824) Revolutionary War Land Warrant

On the 10th of July  1788 Robert Looney was awarded 640 Acres for his Revolutionary War Service by the State of North Carolina, County of Davidson (later would be in Nashville, Tennessee).

To all to whom these presents shall come, Greetings:
Know Ye, that We, pursuant to an act of our General Assembly, entitled “An Act for the relief of the officers and soldiers of the
continental line, and for other purposes,” and in consideration of the Signal brave and persevering Zeal of Robert Looney
one of the Chair Soldiers to the Commissioners for laying off the lands a___ the officers and Soldiers—
of the said s___ have given and granted, and by these presents to give and grant unto the said Robert Looney—
a tract of land containing Six hundred and forty acres, lying and being in our county of Davison,
Lying on St___ creek Beginning at a Sugar Tree and black walnut in Edward Douglass’
line his ___ ___ forty poles with said line to his corner a black walnut and dogwood south fifteen
poles to ___ _________ forward line and corn(er) John Rice East Cross the creek
at twenty ___ ____ ____ two poles ___ ___ sugar tree ____ ____
dred and twenty poles Crost the creek to a dogwood and Chestnut tree South to the Beginning –
as by the plat here unto annexed appear: Together with all woods, waters, mines, minerals and hereditaments, appurtenances, to the said
land and belonging or appertaining. To hold to the said Robert Looney his heirs and assigns forever.
Yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly, or otherwise, as our General Assembly from time to time may direct. Provided al-
Ways, that the said Robert Looney shall cause this grant to be registered in the Register’s
of our said county of Davidson within twelve month of the date hereof, otherwise the fam___ void and of none effect.
In testimony, whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and our great seal to be affixed. Witness
Samuel Johnston, Esquire, our Governor, Captain-General and Commander in Chief, at ___ the Tenth
day of July in the ____ year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight.

Transcribed by Teresa McVeigh, 23 April, 2018
All Rights Reserved

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