Will of James McNiel (c 1763-c 1834)
22 Jul 1833 , Reddies River, Wilkes County, North Carolina
Rev. James McNEIL (c1763-1834), son of Elder George and Mary (COATS) McNEIL
James McNiel's Will, Wilkes County, North Carolina, Book 4, p. 179
In the name of God Amen, I James McNiel of Reddies River Wilkes County State of North Carolina being weak in body but of Sound mind and perfect memory and considering the uncertainty of this present life do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz. In the first place I commend my soul to God who gave it and my body to be decently buried at my decease at the discretion of my Wife and family the expenses whereof and all my just debts to be discharged as soon as expedient. 2nd as to worldly substance it has pleased God to bless me with, I have already given the following amounts first to my oldest son Larkin McNiel Decd the sum of three hundred and twenty five Dollars, and to John McNiel my second son three hundred and twenty five Dollars, and unto my son Simeon Eller three hundred and twenty five Dollars, and unto George McNiel the sum of three hundred and twenty five Dollars, and unto William McNiel the sum of three hundred and twenty five Dollars, and unto Oliver McNiel the sum of three hundred and twenty five Dollars, and in the next place I give and bequeath unto my other two daughters to Wit Nancy and Rebecca the tract of land and Mill which I purchased of the estate of Robert Viars decd. which I price at three Hundred Dollars, also each of them a Horse worth twenty five Dollars and a good bed furniture to each of them worth thirty Dollars and each of them a Cow and Calf worth ten Dollars, and all that the above lacks of making the sum of three Hundred twenty five Dollars to each of them to be made up to them a good Saddle and bridle, and Hock or Household and Kitchen furniture to make them equal to the first mentioned children. And unto my youngest Son Eli I give and beqeath all the balance of the land whereon I now live which I have not deeded to William and Oliver McNiel to be his at the death of his mother which I price at three Hundred Dollars, also the young colt and the yoke of oxen (illegible here) which is in my will that he have (illegible) think expedient, and the colt when he arrives at the age of Twenty One years, which will make him equal with the aforementioned children. And then it is my will that my beloved Wife Polly have full possession and enjoy the benefit of the said tract of land as long as she lives if she thus prefer to do so. And all the balance of my estate I leave with her for the purpose of paying my debts and making up the two aforementioned daughters, to Wit, Nancy and Rebecca equal with the rest and for her own proper use and benefit. And that she have full power after all the children be made equal the sum of three Hundred and twenty five Dollars each, to dispose of the balance as she may think proper among the children, and lastly, I leave my beloved Wife Executrix and my Son William Executor to this my last Will and testament, revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I the said James McNiel have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 22d day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight Hundred and thirty three and in the presence of these Subscribing Witnesses.
Test James McNiel
Larkin Shepherd
Thomas McNiel
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