James McVeigh (c.1818-1897), in addition to being a teacher and musician, was a surveyor in Liberty and Wayne Counties, Georgia. Here are two of his survey plats taken while he was County Surveyor for Wayne County, Georgia (C.S.W.C.):
Scale 10 chains to one inch
90 acres cut off 200 acres late granted to Charles Smith, Sr. A.D. 1832 for Jas. Hill
The above diagram is a correct plat of 90 acres bisected off the Northwest corner of a 200 acre Lot of head right Land granted to Charles Smith, Sr. and surveyd. for him A.D. 1832. beginning at Aligator and thenSouth 85 West 19 chains, then a corner stake or post thence South 10 East 40 chains to old road thence down road 22 chains to breanch corner stake in the road. thence down Branch and Aligator Creek to place of beginning being 90 acres more or less, and I consider it worth no more than two Hundred dollars.
Jas. McVeigh C.S.W.C.
This plat is undated. Alligator Creek is a tributary of the Little Ocmulgee River which runs through the current Wheeler, Telfair, Dodge, and Laurens counties in Georgia.
Found by Randy Campbell Oct. 1999 at the Jesup, Wayne, Couthouse, transcribed by Teresa McVeigh 10 Feb 2010
Scale of 10 chains to the inch
50 acres Pine Land off Lot No. 30 Williams Survey
I have this day by instructions received measured and laid off fifty acres of pine Land as an exemption for Jno. S. Joiner as follows.
Beginning at Gardi thence South 10 West 32 chains stump thence N 10 East 10 chains to Gardi it being the natural boundary of the N Side bounded on all sides by Said Lot No. 30 Williams Survey and I consider the Said fifty acres with improvement to be worth one hundred and fifty $150 Dollars.
This Augt. 24, 1881
Jas. McVeigh C.S.W.C.
Found by Randy Campbell Oct. 1999 at the Jesup, Wayne, Couthouse, transcribed by Teresa McVeigh 10 Feb 2010
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Teresa McVeigh
10 Feb 2010
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