Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sarah Daniel Appointed Administrator of estate of John Daniel 1827 Marion County, SC

Marion County Probate, Vol. 1, p. 152

Roll #222 John Daniel.

Sarah Daniel, Admrx. Adm Bond dated 10 Jany 1827. $1000. Bondsmen: Sarah Daniel, William Daniel and Ezekiel Daniel.
Witness: John C. Bethea. Recorded in Bond Book A, page 124. Warrant of Appraisement 10 Jany 1827. Appraisers: Christopher Dew, John Bass and Nathaniel Whittington. Sworn 24 Jany 1827 before B. Moody, Q. U. Appraisement 24 Jany 1827. Negro 1 claimed by Wm. Daniel, heir. Sale (no date) Purchasers: Sarah Daniel, William Daniel, John Daniel, Jonathan R. Sanders, James Daniel, Ellis Daniel, Lewis Taylor and Thos. Brigman. Certified 7 Feby 1827. Witness: F. G. Smith. Recorded in Sales Book A, pages 187 and 188. ExParte Sarah Daniel Recorded in Book A, page 13.

Sarah Daniel, widow of John, moving West in 1827

Marion Co. Probate, Vol. 1, p. 152, Roll #222 John Daniel.
Possessed of certain real estate and whereas I, Sarah Daniel, widow of John Daniel, am entitled to 1/3, I am desirous to leave this District for the West as inducements are held out to me, that I will be better enabled to support myself and children. 29 Sept. 1827. About 250 acres on Bay Branch, dwelling house, kitchen, smoke house, mild house and corn crib.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Will of Ezekiel Daniel, 10 Aug 1839, Marion District, SC

Ezekiel Daniel -Will dated 10 Aug 1839, abstracted by Kathy Snyder:
William Taylor ADM. Son: Henry Daughters: Mary Meggs, Martha Pipins, Barbar Sumerford, Elizabeth Hayes, Minery Daniels, Susannah Taylor wife of William Taylor Jr.

South Carolina GENWEB archives Date: 10 Aug 1839 Notes: Actual text: Transcribed by Francine Jones, 2 Jun 2001 , Marion, SC GENWEB, written 1839, recorded 1842, vol. 2, pg 129, probate roll #239, Page 71

South Carolina
Marian District 
In the name of God Amen I Ezekel Daniel Being Ill Disposed in body thank Be to God of sond memory and in my Right Mind knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die I Do Make this my Last will and Testament
first of all I Recomend my sole to God that Gave it and my Body to be Desently bured By my Exectors here after mentioned first of all that my Debts Be paid out of my proprty secondly I Gave unto my well beloved son Hinerry Daniel sicondly I Gave to the /heirsares of Henry Daniel My Eldest son one Dollar then thirdly I Leave all the property that I am or May Be proefsed.- with at My dath to Be sold By My Exetor to be Eaquly Divided with Mary Meggs, Martha Pipins, Susanah Talor, Barba sumerford Elizabeth Hays Hinerry Daniel & My Grandsun Henry Denul that now Lives with Me to Recuve Eaquly of the Exctors after My Bureal & Furnal Expences is paid and Last of
all I nominate. my Trusty frend William Taylor, senor, to Be sole Executor to this My Last will and testament Revoking Disanuling and Making void all other wills heretofore By me maud in witings whereof I have unto set my hand and sale this 10th of Augst one thousand Eight hundred and thirty nine and in the sixty forth year of American independence

signed sealed and Acknowledged Ezekel X Daniel (SEAL) his Marke

in the presents of
Nathaniel Whittington
H. Hays
Recorded in Will Book 2, Page 129 Sworn to Sept. 13, 1842
Ed. B. Wheeler, Ordinary of Marion District
Roll No. 235

Ezekiel Daniel (b. 1765 NC) Marion County, SC Probate Records 1839-1842

Ezekiel Daniel  Probate Records

Taken from Marion Probate Records, Vol 1, p 157: Roll #235
Exekiel Daniel. Wm Taylor, Exor. Will dated 10 August 1839. Witnesses: D. Berry, Nathaniel Whittington and H. Hays. Proved by D. Berry 13 Sept. 1842. To son Henry Daniel my eldest. Leave property to be sold and divided by exor to Mary Meggs, Martha Pipins, Susannah Taylor, Barba Summerford, Elizabeth Hays, Minery Daniel and my grandson Henry Daniel.

Recorded Book B, page 129. Warrant of appraisement 13 Sept. 1842. Appraisers: Jesse Peritt, D. Berry and Nathaniel Whittington sworn 16 Sept. 1842. Appraisement (no date) Certified 16 Sept. 1842. Sale (no date) Purchasers: W. Taylor, Levi Gibson, Mary Meggs, Joel Meggs, D. Berry, Minery Daniel, Chesley Daniel, H. Patterson, and Hector Patterson.

Account Current with W. Taylor 1842. Pd. Dr. Hale, paid Stephen Grice and William Dew. 7 heirs $17.52 each 14 Dec. 1843. Ex Parte. The petition of William Taylor guardian of Henry Daniel under will of Ezekiel Daniel sheweth that Ezekiel Daniel died Intestate leaving a certain real estate; situate and lying in Marion Dist. 280 acres land leaving as his heirs at law your petitioner, Mary Meigs wife of W. Meigs, Martha Pippins, Susan Taylor, wife of William Taylor, Jr. Minor Daniel, Barbara Summerford, Elizabeth Hays, wife of W. Hays that your petitioner desires a partition or sale of same so, that each heir may have that share to which by law they are entitles. 14 Nov. 1842. William Taylor. Sold land to John C. Hays for $250.00 5 Dec. 1842. Summon Heirs of Ezekiel Daniel decd. to Mary Meigs, wife of Wm. Meigs, Martha Pippins, Susan Taylor, wife of William Taylor, Jr., ----------Daniel, Barbara Summerford, Elizabeth Hays, wife of W. Hays, legal heirs of Ezekiel Daniel. 8 Nov. 1842, D. Berry and S.A. Hairgrove valued land at less than $1000. 3 Oct. 1842.

Ezekiel Daniel (b. 1765 NC) Revolutionary War Pension Application

Ezekiel Daniel Pension Application
Pension application of Ezekiel Daniel S21729, taken from the Southern Campaign website
Transcribed by Will Graves 1/26/10 [Methodology: Spelling, punctuation and/or grammar have been corrected in some instances for ease of reading and to facilitate searches of the database. Also, the handwriting of the original scribes often lends itself to varying interpretations. Users of this database are urged to view the original and to make their own decision as to how to decipher what the original scribe actually wrote. Blanks appearing in the transcripts reflect blanks in the original. Folks are free to make non-commercial use this transcript in any manner they may see fit, but please extend the courtesy of acknowledging the transcriber—besides, if it turns out the transcript contains mistakes, the resulting embarrassment will fall on the transcriber.]  
State of South Carolina Marion District
On this the 12th day of October in the year while Lord 1832, personally appeared in open Court before the Court of Common Pleas and Sessions now sitting, Ezekiel Daniel a resident of Marion District and State aforesaid aged about sixty-seven years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he was born in the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina, in August 1765. That at the age of two years his father John Daniel removed & brought him to Marlboro District (then Craven County) South Carolina. That he lived with his father in Marlboro aforesaid until he was in his 21st year. He then left his father and removed to Darlington District South Carolina where he resided 6 or 7 years & then removed to Marion District where he has lived & still does reside.
That he has now no papers to which he can refer for dates, & in consequence of the great lapse of time he is unable to mention particularly the dates at which he rendered services in the revolutionary war. Said deponent states that about 2 years previous to the close of the war, he volunteered his services and served on various excursions in Marlborough District aforesaid against the Tories under the one Captain Murphey. That he cannot state precisely the time he was actually out under Captain Murphey as he kept no account of the time, & was so frequently out in small detachments to baffle the Tories in their operations. This deponent further states that he was in no fight that he now recollects while under Captain Murphey, but he states that he is satisfied & does verily believe he was in actual service under the said Captain Murphey more than three months. Said deponent further states that afterwards & a short time after he arrived at the age of sixteen he was drafted for the term of one month with the militia of Marlboro District, then Craven County, and served the said term of one month at Watboo [sic Wadboo] near Moncks Corner in Captain Standard's Company under the command of Colonel Benton & the whole Regiment commanded by General Francis Marion. This deponent recollects no other officers then at Wadboo except Lieutenant Dubose & a Colonel Baxter. Said deponent further states that General Marion then discharged his Regiment when this deponent returned home.
Said deponent further states that afterwards in the last year of the war, he was again drafted in Marlboro District aforesaid for the term of six months to serve as he & others, then drafted, would be ordered by General Marion, & that he this deponent, with others, was ordered out (as this deponent believes by order of General Marion) and marched down to George Town under the command of Lieutenant Thomas Conner, and served there two months guarding the town in the company of Captain Mitchell under the command of a Colonel (as he believes) named Hugh Horry. That upon the arrival of the detachment in which this deponent was at Georgetown, they found the barracks head just been vacated by some of Colonel Lee's forces, who had recently been marched, as this deponent was informed, to Charleston, and that this deponent & the rest of the forces with him then went into the barracks and served as above. That this deponent at the end of two months was with the others discharged and another division filled their places, when this deponent & the division to which he belonged returned home subject to be called at any time to serve the full balance of the six months for which they had been drafted. That not long afterwards the war closed & this deponent was not called on afterwards. He thinks that those who remained at Georgetown when he left were afterwards removed to the mouth of Santee & in a short time discharged. That he is satisfied and has no doubt that he did in the whole actually served in the war more than 6 months inclusive of the service under the two drafts as above. That he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service except Archibald Kerby 1 He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of the agency of any State. who resides in this District of Marion & State of South Carolina. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
 S/ JB Earle, Presiding Judge S/ Ezekiel Daniel, X his mark
[Hugh Godbold, a clergyman, and Dennis Berry gave the standard supporting affidavit.]
 ... I Archibald Kirby residing in the district of Marion and State of South Carolina do hereby certify that during the revolutionary war I was acquainted with Ezekiel Daniel who has subscribed & sworn to the above declaration, & that in the last year of the war, I served with the said Ezekiel Daniel in the Barracks at Georgetown when we were both serving under a draft order of General Marion, the said Ezekiel Daniel with the Militia of Marlboro District then a part of Craven County & I with the Militia of Marion District then a part of Craven County in the company of Captain Mitchell commanded by Colonel Hugh Horry -- & that I have been acquainted with the said Ezekiel Daniel ever since, & I believe him to be 67 years of age.
Sworn to & subscribed the day aforesaid S/ JB Earle, Presiding judge S/ Arch. Kerby
State of South Carolina Marlborough District On this the first day of July in the year of our Lord 1833, appeared before me James C. David one of the justices of the peace in and for the said District and State aforesaid -- Ezekiel Daniel of the District of Marion & State aforesaid, who made the following affidavit as an amendment to his Declaration for a pension under the act of Congress passed in June 1832. That he volunteered his services in the year 1780 and served 3 months as a private under Captain Murphey against the Tories in Marlborough District & State of South Carolina. That in 1781 -- (the latter part of the year) he was drafted & served one month as a private at Wadboo near Moncks Corner, under Captain Standard commanded by Colonel Benton & General Francis Marion, & also That he was drafted in the year 1782 & served 2 months at Georgetown South Carolina as a private commanded by Captain Mitchell & Colonel Hugh Horry. That since he made the within application for a pension he has ascertained that he can prove one month of the above service by Mr. Nathaniel Whittington2 1 who resides in the District of Marion & State aforesaid & that he this deponent still resides in the said Marion District, but that the reason why he makes this affidavit in this Marlboro District is that his attorney, John McQueen to whom he Archibald Kerby (Kirby) S21852 2 Nathaniel Whittington S9527 applied to transact his business in this matter resides at the Court House in this said District & that he this deponent is aged & infirm & having come to see his attorney he advised him to make it here, so as to prevent him from unnecessary traveling.
Sworn to & subscribed the day & year above written S/ James C. David, JP S/ Ezekiel Daniel, X his mark State of South Carolina Marlborough District
Personally appeared before me James E. David one of the Justices of the peace in & for the District & State aforesaid Daniel Whittington who being duly sworn saith on oath that he knew Mr. Ezekiel Daniel who has sworn to & subscribed the above affidavit in the year 1781 & that he served as a private with this deponent one month in said year at Wadboo near Moncks Corner in the State aforesaid, in the company of Captain Standard commanded by Colonel Burton & General Francis Marion & that he & this deponent were discharged from the said service at the same time, & that he has knowledge that said Ezekiel Daniel [indecipherable word or words], & that he has full confidence in the oath of the said Daniel. Sworn to & subscribed this the first July 1833 S/ Nathaniel Whittington, N his mark