I thought I had previously posted this chart to my blog, but I guess not.
This is a chart showing the roots of William Bogan Sports (1821-1862)as given by Nancy Sports Paul to Dorothy Graham Sports Averitt. This is NOT an original document. The owner, Nancy (Sports)Dever, has made a number of different versions over the years so that it is difficult to know the original information from Nancy Sports Paul. There are some proven errors in this document. Some alterations to the original document that were made on this version: Benjamin Sport's marriage was not original to the document. Tiny was added later after Suzianne Taylor. On Mary Sport--the last name is written over another name.
I have another version of the chart in PDF. If you would like a copy of that please contact me. I think both were created by Nancy Dever. I would LOVE to see the original document they were created from.
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Teresa McVeigh 24 Nov 2013
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