Photo of James Norman Sauls, Jr., courtesy of Chad Truett
Transcription: This is to Certify That James Norman Sauls And Miss Emma Jane Rodgers Were united by me in the bonds of Holy Matrimony At Home on the 22 day of December in the year of our Lord 1892 Signed Rev. J. M. Weaver
Transcription: Births James N. Sauls son of E. G. and E. J. Sauls borned October 4, 1874 Emma J. Rodgers daughter of J. F. and M. A. Rodgers borned October 8 1873 Adrian A. Abrams daughter of R. F. and Florence M. Abrams borned June 29 1909 Adrian A. Abrams adopted by J. N. Sauls and E. J. Sauls Martha E. Abrams adopted by J. N. Sauls and E. J. Sauls Born Sept. 20, 1924
Transcription-- Deaths: J. Norman Sauls Born 1814 Died Aug 18 1948
Emma J. Sauls Born Oct. 8 1873 Died July 30, 1950
Transcription: Marriages Raymond L Truett and Martha E Abrams May 16, 1943
Central Methodist Church, Florence, South Carolina