I often get off on tangents. Someone in the family I am researchers marries into the family or shows up on a census or document and I want to know who they are. In some areas there is so much intermarrying of families, that the research often pays off in finding out more about the family. Other times it doesn't seem to. the HABECKERS are probably examples of the latter, but you never know what distant cousin has a wonderful document, picture, or artifact.
Ida HABECKER married Frank F RUSMISEL, son of Samuel D, son of David R, son of Christain, son of Adam, son of Georg. Ida's mother, Emma HABECKER, showed up living with the family on the 1930 Census. Ida listed her father as born in Germany. Emma lists her parents as born in Germany. I wanted to find out her father's name. (I usually try to find out the parents of spouses and proof of maiden names.)
1930 United States Federal Census
Name: Frank Rusmisell
Home in 1930: Danvers, McLean, Illinois
Age: 44
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1886
Birthplace: Illinois
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Ida
Race: White
Household Members: Name Age
Frank Rusmisell 44 IL
Ida Rusmisell 42 IL (father b. Germany, mother b. IL)
Emma Habecker 70 IL (parents b. Germany)
Dean Rusmisell 14
Ida's father turned out to be August HABECKER
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: August Habecker
Home in 1900: Danvers, McLean, Illinois
Age: 42
Birth Date: Jan 1858
Birthplace: Germany
Race: White
Ethnicity: American
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1872
Relationship to Head of House: Head
Father's Birthplace: Germany
Mother's Birthplace: Germany
Spouse's Name: Emma
Marriage year: 1881
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 19
Residence : Danvers Village, McLean, Illinois
Occupation: Butcher
Household Members: Name Age
August Habecker 42 Germany (parents b. Germany)
Emma Habecker 40 IL (parents b. Germany)
Henry Habecker 18 IL (Butcher)
Clara Habecker 16 IL
Lina Habecker 15 IL
Ida Habecker 13 IL
The 1900 Census says that August emigrated in 1872 and has been in the US for 28 years, so he arrived when he was 14 years old.
On the 1880 Census August is living as a Boarder with the Warlitz family. The head of the household, Otto, is a Saloon Keeper, so this is probably where August works. The family is from Prussia, so they would also speak German. This time August lists his birthplace (and that of his parents) as Baden , which was at that time a Grand Duchy in the German Federation.
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: August Habeeker
Home in 1880: Stanford, Mc Lean, Illinois
Age: 22
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858
Birthplace: Baden
Relation to Head of Household: Boarder
Father's birthplace: Baden
Mother's birthplace: Baden
Occupation: Saloon Keeper
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
House Number: 7128891
Household Members: Name Age
Otto Warlitz 32 Prussia Saloon Keeper
Elizzabeth Warlitz 35 Prussia
Louisa Kruger 14 Prussia
William Kruger 10 IL
Frank Kruger 8 IL
Elizzabeth Grassau 58 Prussia
August Habeeker 22 Baden
By 1910 August had died and Emma is listed as a widow and head of the household. An unsourced tree on Ancestry gives her maiden name as NAFFZIGER, but no proofs. I've decided not to research this line at this time.
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Emma Habecker
Age in 1910: 50
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860
Birthplace: Illinois
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Germany
Mother's Birth Place: Germany
Home in 1910: Danvers, McLean, Illinois
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Gender: Female
Household Members: Name Age
Emma Habecker 50 IL
Clara Habecker 26 IL
Lina Habecker 25 IL
Ida Habecker 22 IL
1920 United States Federal Census
Name: Emma Habecker
Home in 1920: Danvers, McLean, Illinois
Age: 60 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860
Birthplace: Illinois
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Germany
Mother's Birth Place: Germany
Marital Status: Widow
Race: White
Sex: Female
Home owned: Rent
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 509
Household Members: Name Age
Emma Habecker 60 IL
Lena Habecker 35 IL
Relatives at RootsTech is now online
6 days ago
One thing comes to mind, it is important to know that because censuses were written by hand & copied by people who didn't know the people in the censuses, there are many errors. I've been researching for a while & have learned not to trust any info on names or even dates until I've found the same info several times. An example, but not being specific because I haven't looked into August at all, but August could even actually be Andrew. It can be frustrating, but even places parents are from are sometimes conflicting with one another even though they are the same person, they may have one thing saying from Prussia, the other saying Russia. I have come across exactly that example. I think the most helpful piece of info I received in all my research is that there are MANY errors on censuses. I NEVER take info from the typed info, always open the original handwritten document, I can sometimes clearly see that Henry (typed doc) actually says Harry on the original handwritten doc. Hope this helps a little. Good luck with your research, if I can help with anything, I'd be happy to. Julie Habecker julie_conwayhabecker@hotmail.com or juliehabecker@ancestry.com