Transcription of the Will by SharonDavenport60 on 1 Jan 2010:
Transcription of the Will of James Davenport by SharonDavenport60 on 1 Jan 2010:
Will of James Davenport 01 Dec 1803 Oglethorpe County, GA
In the name of God Amen -
I James Davenport of the County of Oglethorpe and state of
Georgia being of sound mind and memory, do make constitute, and
appoint this my Last Will & testament, in manner & form following that is
to say, first -
I give my beloved wife Frances Davenport one negro girl Amelia
with her futer (sic) Increase, with all my household & Kitching (sic)
Furniture to her, her heirs & assigns forever.
Secondly, I give to my son John Davenport one negro boy Cart
to him his heirs and assigns for ever -
3rdly I give to my son James Davenport the tract of land
whereon he now lives, to him his heirs & assigns forever -
4thly I give to my son William Davenport five hundred Dollars in
lieu of & for money advanced me; & other services some years past, & if
the aforesaid sum of five hundred Dollars should not be sufficent, when
an Equaltable adjustment can be obtained, including the Interest of the
money advanced - it is my disire that a sufficent sum be drawn, out of
that part of my Estate lent to my beloved wife, at her death as shall be
5th I lend to my beloved wife Frances Davenport, all my Estate
of every kind whatsoever both real & personal (not heretofore Disposed
of)during her natural life; and at her Death to be equally divided,
amongst my children William, & Jesse Davenport, one sixth part each of
what there may be at my said wifes Death, to them, their heirs & assigns
for ever -
I also give to my three daughters Susanah Hewell Frances
Hewell & Henritta Johnson one sixth part each of what there may be at
my said wifes death During their natural lives & at their or either of
their Deaths their or either of their parts to be divided amongst their
respective children & their heirs & assigns forever
Lastly I do nominate & appoint my beloved wife Frances
Davenport Executrix John Davenport & Jesse Davenport - Executors of
this my last will & testament hereby Revoking all others heretofore by
me made; in testamony whereof I have hereunto affixed my seal &
subscribed my name this first Day of December 1803
Signd & seald & acknowledged " Jas. Davenport
in prisents of ---
Wm. Harvie }
J. W. Moore } Recorded Feby. 3rd day 1804
Wm. Moore }
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