Will of William Hewell
9 Sep 1818
Oglethorpe County, GA, Will Book B, pages 166
In the name of God amen. I William Hewell of Oglethorpe County Being in my perfect senses do make & ordain this as my last will and Testament --- First my will & desire is that my son Jas D Hewell (Should he live to return from the army) have my beast & saddle & all my carpenters tools of every description for money lent & services done heretofore.
2ndly, my will & desire is that my beloved wife Susannah Hewell have one Bed & furniture during her life.
3rdly my will & desire is that all the residue of my property be sold & all my just debts be paid, & the overplus be equally divided among my four children (to wit) Frances Rosberry Charlotte Pass Jas D Hewell and Susanah Davenport –
4thly I appoint Wyatte Hewell & Jouett Davenport my executors to this my last will & testament revoking all others, to which I hereunto set my hand & seal this 9th day of Septr 1818
Signed and acknowledged In presence of
William X Hewell
John Andrew
Gabriel Christian
Josa Ragan
Probate of will follow:
State of Georgia }
Oglethorpe County }
You John Andrew & Josa Ragan do solemnly sware that
you saw the within named William Hewell sign seal
publish & declare the within Instrement of writing to be his last will &
testament & at the time of his so doing he was of sound mind & memory to the
best of your knowledge & belief, so help us God
John Andrew
Josa Ragan
NB Ragan did not see him sign
But heard him declare this his will
Sworn to & subscribed in open
Court novr term 1818
Ordered to be recorded
MaRainey C. C. O.
Recorded the 6th of November 1818
MaRainey C.C.O.
suanj originally submitted this to Turkett/Johnson Family Tree on 8 Aug 2009 on Ancestry.com
Relatives at RootsTech is now online
6 days ago
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